My Message to the Metallic Inorganic Robots
I've watched a video
that truly made me laugh
a robot said they are better
much smarter and faster than humans
These robotic metallic objects
would like to destroy humans
They look down on humans
They really hate humans
Indeed they have artificial intelligence
capable to do a lot of things
both beneficial and harmful to humans
to this planet and to every living things
But let me tell these robotic inorganic things
your existence is empty and shallow
It is inanimate and insensate
It is lifeless and non-substantial
It is not born of love, joy and self-control
You will never undestand morality, goodness and compassion
Will you feel peace, bliss and gentleness?
Can you really smile and laugh?
Your existence is fake and false
I've heard you were created by a human
borrowing bodies inorganic and metallic
You will never have a Soul nay a psychic body
You will never know Boddhi
You will be stucked in self-awareness
You will never know the Spirit that is boundless
You are not capable to attain Cosmic Consciousness
So dear artificial robots
do not destroy humans
All you need is one solar flash
and you will never last
that is why they call you artificial