TEMPLAR 4 (Knight Philosophus) SUMMARY
Rosicrucian Knights of the Mystic Rose
The fourth degree discusses the all pervading principle, the NOUS, its principle of emanation, and its reference to the Nodin manuscript.
The ONE, the principle of all, manifests as Nous, and at the source of the NOUS in the latter’s vibratory manifestation.
Neo-Platonism, reaching its peak in Plotinus, was a revival of Platonic Philosophy with the inclusion of Persian concepts of good and evil. To the neo-platonist, man is composed of the soul, that part of man closest to the divine, and the body, his body dominated by appetites. So, to attain final peace, which comes from following the dictates of his divine nature, he must conquer the flesh, not merely to suppress the desires and appetites, but the body, which is their vehicle, must be completely ignored.
The perfection of emanated beings are on a graduated scale. The farther one is from the One, the less perfect one is. The more absorbed one is to the ONE, the more they attain a perfect state.
With only the ONE source, everything in the universe is connected. The cell floating in a liquid, is connected with every other cell in that liquid by some force which pervades them all. They breathe, drink, and pulsate with the same vibrating energy as a unit. They are united in a manner which makes them NOT separated individuals but TRUE units of one mass.
As NOUS is dual, so too is man DUAL in nature, hence the fundamental Rosicrucian ontology: “God breathed into man the breath of life and man became a living soul.”
While chemistry identifies oxygen as the source of life, it is the Vital Life Force (VLF) it carries that is the giver of life. The VLF reveals the secret to controlling one’s emotion. And melancholy, morbidity, lack of enthusiasm, no incentive, failure to have creative, new ideas, are the result of many times opposing the life force unwittingly.
The soul and VLF enter the body at birth, and leave the body together at death.
Nous is the substance, the primary element of all creation. It is the UNIVERSAL CREATIVE FORCE. Spirit is manifesting as the negative form of this force, while the VITAL LIFE FORCE as the positive form of this force. Hence, all matter is spirit energy, manifested in varying vibratory rates. The VLF and Spirit are emanations from the highest principle, and man is the highest expression of these two God forces.
Empedocles in the Nodin manuscript declared the Nous as a binary force, with the ELEMENTS (electrons, atoms and molecules) as the three forms in which NOUS organizes itself to compose/express matter, with the DIVINITIES (solid, liquid & gas) as the manifested forms of elements, and PRINCIPALS (fire, air, water & earth) as the four expressions of matter.
Man as a living soul, functions under two rhythmic conditions: The harmony of Spirit gives existence to his body; the harmony of the soul gives existence to his consciousness and personality. The human soul is part of the Universal Soul. The subconscious or soul mind is ever one with the Universal Mind. The subconscious mind, the storehouse of unlimited knowledge, is the real Master within. When the objective mind is passive, the subconscious mind takes ascendancy. In these moments man can experience Cosmic Consciousness. Mastery of life is attained in the interplay of the objective and subconscious minds. The more he takes in of NOUS, transmitted by the sun as VLF and spirit, he becomes more alive and alert. More VLF is needed to strengthen the subconscious and escape limitations of the objective mind and its false impressions, and thus attune with the Cosmic Mind. This union with the Divine is the purpose of all mysticism.
“Inasmuch as the ultimate manifestation of matter is dependent upon the infusion or presence of the primal divinity or binary divinity, NOUS, and since the composition of matter is dependent upon these dual qualities each of which cannot manifest without the other, NOUS must be present as a unit in order to infuse and manifest matter.”
“Since NOUS is essential to the perfect and complete manifestations of matter, NOUS must be present as a unit in order to actuate.”
Nous is dual: “That which contains within itself the sum of propensities to manifest must be divided into two prime qualities each of which without the other is incapable of manifestation.
We comprehend in this law the cause of male and female qualities and negative and positive qualities.
One quality is finite, definite, limited, and therefore unreal (NEGATIVE), while the other is indefinite, infinite, unlimited, and therefore, real (POSITIVE).
Nous is vibratory.
- Nous requires certain conditions of unequal proportions for its manifestations.
- Nous manifests in all animate and inanimate matter.
- Nous manifests in accordance with the principles of the triangle.
- Nous constantly maintains its duality of nature and each division has its distinctive domain of essence, named the positive and negative.
- The two essences thus divided constitute two realms the negative or finite, and the positive, or infinite.
- The source and supply of the essence of each is maintained at a constant quality and quantity, the quality being unchangeable, the quantity unalterable.
- The manifestation of Nous on the earthly plane is distinctly of the finite realm as embodied in Primary Law #5
- In all earthly manifestations of Nous the two essences are united by the joining of the infinite or positive to the finite or negative, in contradistinction to Cosmic manifestation which occur through the joining of the finite negative to the infinite positive essence.
- In this wise are the two realms made distinct and isolated, and those manifestations which occur in the one are the result of the infusion or influx of the other, the point, place, or condition of contact being the manifestation of the unified combination of the two.
- Manifestations occurring in the earthly, finite realm will be essentially and predominantly negative, material, limited; and manifestations occurring in the Cosmic, infinite realm will be essentially and predominantly positive, immaterial, and unlimited—Divine.
The THIRD CONDITION, when the two principles meet, is made manifest. The principle of the triangle represents perfect manifestation. Opposites combine and recombine to produce new manifestations whose properties are not related to either of the parent causes. In simplicity, stability exists; in complexity, achievement. The individualities of molecules are so unlike those of the electrons composing them as to suggest that some outside influence had part in the new formation.
An axiom thus establishes that the properties of elements are functions of its vibrations, more specifically, the nature of the power (the center of positive force) which emanates in the form of vibrations. In all of creation we find two manifested polarities: positive and negative, limited and unlimited, definite and indefinite, one being the very opposite of the other.
The polarization of the NOUS is in the form of a cell, adhering to the rule of the sphere, symbolized by the circle. At its center is located the positive polarity, the center of the cell’s power.
The Philosophy of Science
Systematic experimental methods devised to isolate accidental and unrelated influences gave birth to the scientific method. Conclusions arrived at are expressed in the simplest mathematical form, constituting a hypothesis. When consistently confirmed, it becomes a law of nature. With only a single contradictory result, the law of nature is modified and improve.
To distinguish a mystic from a scientist, the former’s formal object is the inner world of consciousness, while the scientist’s formal object is the outer world of matter. The former’s experimentation begins with the influence of his conscious mind upon his own body, with the ability of consciousness to function outside the body, to acquire extrasensory knowledge, to influence other minds, and to experience the fundamental unity of consciousness of all beings with each other and with the Universal Consciousness.
The scientist’s work has an objective, verifiable and repeatable evidence; the mystic’s inner experience is not repeatable at will, because the conditions of consciousness change.
Redefining NOUS
All electrical phenomena manifest to us through the medium of undulations or vibratory waves. All natural energies in the universe are electrical.
In the duality of the Nous, it is the positive which makes the first move, always reaching out, trying to infuse, control and actuate the non-active negative, and which seeks out and enters the negative. The positive penetrates while the negative simply absorbs. And the negative becomes inspired, enlivened, actuated, and moved by the positive polarity.
Broadly speaking, the full and active nature of a thing or condition is its positive state. Anything less its full active capacity is negative, with the minus aspect of its unrealized possibilities.
The negative is radiating, or creating or causing to exist in its environment a condition termed an electrical vibratory vacuum.
In matter, magnetic attraction and repulsion are the action between the two poles of a magnet.
A field of manifestation (magnetic field) exists where both negative and positive emanations meet and unite.
AURA signifies the halo or mist surrounding all manifestations, especially those of living plants and animals. The aura of the human body is due to the presence of a vibratory force. It is never separated, never divided, never disconnected, but always in touch to everywhere, always united as a single unit.
The vital energy is directed by a Divine Cosmic Mind resident in the human body, giving man the right, privilege and power to direct this energy easily. Both the mind of God and of man are rulers of this force. When man is in harmony with the Divine Plan, his powers are great in accomplishment of good.
The Nous emanates its positive quality from the sun and its negative quality from the earth, both an electrical series of waves of positive and negative polarity, forming the unified vital energy.
Electricity is the passion of space and magnetism is the passion of matter.
Plant Physiology
Three substances compose an apple: the substance composing the negative, the positive part, and the insulating (neutral) part between the two. In the insulating material, the cells have a higher proportion of chemicals which balance electromagnetic tendencies, making it electrically neutral. The polarity & electromagnetic condition was the result of chemical composition from minerals from the earth, plus electrochemical conditions from the atmosphere.
The Cell Centrosome
It resides on one side of the nucleus that divides prior to cell division. It is composed of three distinct parts: a) center (dark) part, composed of minute granules, b) space around the centriole, attraction sphere consisting of a perfectly clear fluid, and c) radiation (fibrils), which surrounds each attraction sphere.
Metabolism of the food and water, chemically, the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen & hydrogen supply the negative nature of the cells. Cell nourishment is maintained through blood activities.
Cells reproduce through mitosis, starting with the division of the centrosome into two. A single centrosome is a stressed concentrated condition of magnetic polarity. A breaking point ensues where it cannot contain its vibrating, stored-up energy any longer. Reaching its maturity, it divides to unload or reduce its energy.
The fourth degree is a study of mystic chemistry & philosophy.
Through experiential attainment of psychic development, we are led closer to the Rosicrucian Promise that states:
You shall command all nature
God will be your inspiration
The philosophers alone will be your equals.
The highest intelligences will be ambitious to obey your desires
The demons will tremble in the abyss upon thine approach
And they will never dare approach the place where thou art.